
University of Adelaide’s Engineering Internship program

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We are proud to be taking part in The University of Adelaide’s Engineering Internship program this year.

As part as our commitment to our partnerships within the industry, we welcome Owen Piccinin to the team as he nears completion of his Honours Project and Civil Engineering Degree.

The program is a great way to allow students to gain real-world professional skills and industry insight and as an employer we have the privilege to access to some of the best and brightest young minds in the state.

“I am excited to be starting the civil/structural engineering internship with gama consulting.

“As a final year civil engineer/finance student studying at the University of Adelaide, it’s a great opportunity to put my study into practice,” Owen explains.

Matthew Mammone Director at gama says, “It’s great to be taking part in the Internship program. As an Adelaide Uni alumni myself, it’s a pleasure to be able to ‘give back’ to the Uni as well as continue to build links within the engineering community.”

Find out more about the program here