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gama welcomes new Director ahead of its fifth birthday celebrations
SA based engineering company gama consulting has started the year off on a high planning expansion with the addition of former Meinhardt engineering heavy-weight Hamish Bills, joining the team as the third Director this month.
“Hamish brings a wealth of knowledge and unique skill set to gama consulting and we really look forward to welcoming him to the team,” explains Gabriel (Gabby) Stracci and Matthew Mammone, Founding Managing Directors of gama consulting.
Hamish’s arrival also coincides with gama celebrating five years of business since opening the doors in 2016.
“We pride ourselves on offering a fresh approach to structural engineering within the residential and commercial sectors. We have weathered the COVID-19 storm having now grown to employ around 16 staff.
Hamish Bills, incoming gama consulting Director explains, “I’ve spent the last fifteen years primarily working in the education, government, health and commercial sectors in both metro and country SA as well as interstate.
2020 has given us the opportunity to reflect on where the business started, re-evaluate our position in the market and plan for the business to grow during what has been a period of concern for everyone.Matthew Mammone
“I have also had the opportunity to work with local architects, project managers and private owners and am looking forward to this next chapter and challenge and making a positive impact in the marketplace.
“Over the coming months I’ll be connecting with gama staff and the leadership team, something I’m really excited about.”
Gabby Stracci tells, “We have spent a lot of time and effort identifying and strategizing what we want the business to look like moving forward.
“We have been fortunate enough to have someone of Hamish’s calibre select gama as their preferred place of employment. It gives us the confidence that the vision of growth we have set will come to fruition.”
Matthew continues, “Hamish is very well respected in the industry, specifically in the education, government and commercial sectors, areas that we have identified as growth areas for gama.”
And when it comes to plans for the year ahead, Matthew explains, “We will focus on growing the business and creating a positive culture and work environment for our staff and clients.”